About Us

About virgin transformers

Virgin Transformers is a world class manufacturer, repairer and distributor of quality electrical equipment to the South African market. Our team comprises highly experienced and technically skilled personnel who take pride in promoting value-based solutions to our clients.

People working on laptops

Our Vision

Many hands make light work

Virgin Transformers firmly believes in the power of collaboration and partnerships as a key driver of our vision to be the transformer and electrical components supplier of choice to our discerning clients.

For Our CustomersPeace of mind at every interaction, we collaborate closely with our customers to understand their needs and context, blending this with expert advise and solution recommendation. We constantly strive to empower and innovate, resulting in fair value exchange between us and our customers.

For Our EmployeesAs an employer who values the dedication and commitment of its employees; we ensure the safety of our employees and champion a safe working environment backed by product safety training.

For Our SuppliersWe push our suppliers and ourselves to achieve and maintain a spirit of collaboration, mutual respect, amicable and ethical engagements all ultimately at the service of Virgin Transformers’ customers.

For Our IndustryPartnerships and sustainability are essential in building a sustainable business, manufacturing of quality products, and providing excellent services.

As a 100% Black Female owned entity, we take our role in the transformation of the electrical manufacturing and supply industry extremely seriously. With every interaction we challenge the prevailing attitudes and barriers to meaningful participation.

Lindiwe Buthelezi, CEO at Virgin Transformers

On a mission to empower organizations

We leverage our partnerships with suppliers and clients to deliver the maximum in fair value exchange; ensuring high quality products and workmanship become our calling card.

We achieve this through attention to detail and a personal touch that leaves our clients and suppliers bowled over. We further endeavor to empower and transfer skills to previously disadvantaged members of our population.

Black Woman Owned
25 yrs
Team Experience
High-Impact Projects

virgin transformers - more power to you

We’re here to help

We would love to chat to you about your electrical components and transformer needs.


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